Well, I thought it was too good to be true...to have the home study done and mailed to us in a month, that is. I got an email from our social worker the other day,(we love her....we really do) saying she hasn't even started on our home study report yet! Ah!!!!!!!!!!! What? Not even started???? She said it would be another week or so. Hm, or so...what does that mean?
I'm slowly realizing that this entire process has really gone somewhat smoothly, so far, compared to some other families I know. The term "waiting" is taking on a whole other meaning!
"Be still and know that I am God," Psalm 46:10, comes to mind! Me, be still? Are you kidding? Scott teases me that I am an "instant gratification" type of person, you know, like the girl, Violet on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory..."I want it now!" If I see something and get my mind set on it, it will either be bought, or we will get it done! (Sorry, Bud, love you, but you married a non-patient person) He reallyis a saint for putting up with me! I admit it, patience is one of the virtues I struggle with the most! This whole process is just reaffirming the fact that I NEED to work on it!
I think the whole nine months of pregnancy is the perfect amount of time to mentally, physically and emmotionally prepare you for a newborn (unless they were like Tyler, who was very colicky, and then you need more time :)).
Is there any amount of time that will prepare you for a child, from a different country, who doesn't speak your language, who has been abandoned for whatever reason and "cared" for by someone else for possibly the first year of their life. I don't know if there is? We've have been given MOUNDS of books to read, contacts to speak with, and websites that will help "prepare" us for what is to come. Although, we don't know what is to come. Yes, it is important to drown ourselves in the pool of information given to us, to prepare us, and our home to receive this child.
I believe that this time is given to us to prepare us for what God has in store for us-what HE has mapped out for our lives. Not what WE are mapping our lives to become!
To keep my mind off of the waiting, I am excited to help start our church with an orphan ministry and to increase the awareness of God's children in the world who are needy and starving for a forever family. There is a song that I have become in LOVE with! It's by Leeland featuring Brandon Heath. It's called "Follow You" and it has really spoken to me. I hope you will listen to it.
(You might need to turn the volume down on my "playlist" at the bottom of this blog before you press play for this video).
I love your blog Kirsten! You guys are so lucky to be able to adopt a child, I would love to do that. Lots of best wishes and prayers to all 5 of you as you wait for your little girl.