Our journey to bring our Russian princess home

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Broken Arms and Dreams

Well, most of you have heard by now that our sweet, 6 year old, Jake, broke his arm on Sunday afternoon. Evidently he thought he was Superman and tried to fly off the swing when it reached its highest point. Landing wrong on his arm, he got a supracondylar fracture. Basically it's the bone right above the elbow. The two bones just snapped off their course, you could say. He went into surgery that night to put 3 pins in his arm. He has a full arm cast, (navy blue to match his baseball uniform) that weighs about as much as he does! So far, we've really only had one rough night, and a few tears. His meds are keeping him from a lot of pain, fortunately. He's been in bed for 2 days and he is up and around today...well, sort of. He did ask if he could go over and play on our neighbors waterslide today. It's going to be hard to keep him down for 6 weeks! In three weeks he gets the pins removed, and the following 3 weeks are the most critical as far as movement goes. That's going to be the toughest 3 weeks I'm sure. But through all this pain, he has still kept his sweet sweet spirit! Last night, during our prayers (Jake's been sleeping with me the past 3 nights-poor Daddy's on the couch:( ), he remembered to say a prayer for his baby sister, that God would keep her safe and healthy and that she would see us in her dreams. Uhh, melt my heart!!! Speaking of our little princess, I found out yesterday, that a family who turned their dossier in 3 weeks before we did got their referral last week! Eek! They are adopting from the exact region we are-Krasnoyarsk! They requested a boy or girl, between 0-toddler age and got an 8 month old girl! It's surprising because girls are harder to get. They were told it would be 6 months before they got a referral and got one just under the mark! Not sure if I should be super excited or if I should start freaking out! Help me, Lord!!! This could be coming sooner that we expect. Of course I keep thinking of the time right now and how if we got a referral soon, I wouldn't be ready. It's not in "the plans" now to get a referral. We've just been hit with a major hurdle with Jake's arm. SOOO not ready, but I keep being reminded of the verse that our agency uses, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, not to harm you, but to prosper you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. So, it was NOT in my plan for Jake to break his arm, at the beginning of baseball season (Scott's the head coach and my father is the assistant coach)!! It would NOT be my plan for us to get a referral right now. But, I need to be reminded that my life is NOT my plan, but HIS and He has such a good one! I just need to trust him and follow his lead. Easier said than done, right? So, I am going to, "trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my OWN understanding." I would LOVE it if you all would continue to pray for our family. Especially Jake!!!

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