Our journey to bring our Russian princess home

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Referral Day!!!!

Yes, it's true!!! We got our referral today! Wooohooo!!!!

This is Tyler, Brady and Jake after opening her picture!

I was awakened this morning at 8:00 (for those of you who know me, this is EARLY), by a telemarketer. So needless to say, I was in a bit of a grumpy mood! So when the phone rang at about 10:00 a.m., WITHOUT "America World" showing up on caller ID, you can imagine how unfriendly I was when I said hello! Sure enough, it was Johnna, our family coordinator! I think for a minute she was a little confused and said, "Kirsten?" "OH MY GOSH!!!! IS THIS JOHNNA? Johnna, from America World?" Cue the screaming.....from me....and my boys.....and the blood curdling scream from Jake! It was like Christmas morning. I told her I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel! I was shaking, excited, nauseous, all rolled into one!

So then for the next few minutes she puts me on hold and tries to call Scott! Well, I could have told her what was going to happen when he didn't recognize the number on his phone...sure enough, she comes back and says he didn't answer. So what do I do next? Text him, "ANSWER YOUR PHONE. JOHNNA IS CALLING!"

Sure enough, I told her to try him again, and....he answered!

So, here we are, on the phone probably not hearing one single word she was saying, (I know that to be true because I had to call her again this afternoon). She has emailed us her info and 4 pictures. I knew I wanted to open this together with Scott so he came home and we sat at the kitchen table (and videoed it all), and double clicked on her 1st picture! Oh, the emotions! We sat there in a state of shock for awhile. Could this REALLY be happening! Opening each picture, seeing just how much cuter she is every time we look at her!

We are not allowed to mention any details about her, and especially her picture! But just know that she is the cutest most petite little 16 month old princess I have ever laid eyes on ( and she resembles our Jakey!!)! She already melts my heart...and her daddy's!!! Please know that we would LOVE more than anything to share her information with each and every one of you. But Russia is very strict about protecting their children and we are on pretty tight orders from our agency to not share this information either. I know, bummer!

We sent all of her information and medical records to an international pediatric specialist and are hoping to hear back from him tomorrow! Pray that he will be able to translate it all (Russia's terms for things can be somewhat over exaggerated and sometimes, not even a medical term!), and give us a good report so that we can go ahead and send in our acceptance papers for this referral!

Once that is done we can start on our travel plans ASAP! Since we have ALL (expect medicals for us and the boys...that's after trip 1), and a few other forms that can't be done until after trip 1, they think it will go more quickly! Yay for me being a little obsessive about all the paperwork the last few weeks. I've been running all over Austin, getting forms notarized, going to the mail and waiting for our social workers papers, getting them apostilled, and then having to redo a few forms and then get them notarized again, and apostilled again....see, I'm worn out! I can't imagine those families who don't live in the same city as their Secretary of State's office. You guys are my hero's!

After a long and emotional day, I'm reminded of the verse in Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened." You know, I have asked for a year and a half and doubted God's timing, but He knew little M was for us! Please pray that everything with her paperwork will work out and that her medicals come out with a good report! Or actually, that we will be able to deal with anything that this adoption throws at us!

I was told today that we've been in the calm waiting period and from here on out it goes pretty fast and furious! In the word of Tony Horton, "BRING IT"!!!

Love you all so much and we covet your prayers and support!

I PROMISE the day I am allowed to share more information, you guys will be the next to know!


  1. So happy your day has come. What a special way to share it with everyone in your family - together at the same time. Your patience will pay off as wonderful preparation for this little girl. Can't believe the hours of paperwork you all have undergone. The miracle begins - how does a little girl born so many thousands of miles away end up in a home in Austin, TX with 3 big brothers and 2 amazing parents - GOD HAPPENS! Love to you all.

  2. I am so excited for ya'll. You are going to be such a blessing to your little girl. And, I know you can't wait to meet her. Yeah!!!!

  3. Kirsten and Scott, Jeremy and I remember the day we got our phone call...Reading your story, we had to laugh as ours went very similarly. We even had to call the agency back to see if it was a boy or a girl! We were so excited...it just didn't matter...our child was about to be in our arms! These are precious times...soak it in and take lots of mental pictures. Your incredible testimony started a long time ago, but God is adding all the details one by one...and oh, how precious each one is. To GOD be the glory..Great things He has done...and continues to do. We pray with you and celebrate with you! love you guys! Becky and Jeremy

  4. Yay!!! I am sooo excited for you guys! I can only imagine that you must be on quite an emotional roller coaster right now. I can't wait to hear all the details. 'Til then, I'll pray that you get some positive words from the doc in NC.

  5. Congratulations! I stumbled upon your blog via Kim Reaves. Referral days are the best!!! Even better is the day when you are actually holding that little girl in your arms!!!
    Many blessings to your family!
