Our journey to bring our Russian princess home

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tomorrow!!!!-Trip 2 begins

I can't believe we leave tomorrow to start our adventure again for the second time!

This time, however, will be played out a little differently because we will be spending a day in Moscow visiting 8 different doctors!

We leave Wednesday around noon and get to Moscow, with just one layover , on Thursday. We have the rest of that day to sleep and rest up for our physicals on Friday morning. Yes, we will be having 8 physicals each! I am trying to think of what the 8 different doctors' specialties are, but can't get past 5! The one thing Johnna told us, which I should find comfort it, but still freaks me out, is DO NOT let them take blood!! O...K....! We did labs here with our doctor so we are supposed to give them our results, but I found it discomforting when she said, "do NOT let them poke you!!"

So Scott and I will be split up and taken to 8 different doctors with a translator on the other side of the curtain. Having a hard time picturing all this but I think I will have a hard time controlling my giggles!!!

So after that fun day (not), we take the dreaded overnight flight to Kras! It HAS to be better than the last one. It. Can.Not.Get. Much.Worse!!!

We'll have a day to rest and on Monday we go to see miss M! Yay!! I wonder if she will have changed at all? Will she remember us? Will we all still feel the connection we had last time? And of course, my most daunting question-will they have cut her hair??? I know, sounds silly, but that bowl haircut is just plain mean! Although, she's so cute, she could rock any hairdo!

On Tuesday we will go to court where Scott will be asked the most questions. It will supposedly last 2 hours. Geez, 2 hours, what all do they want to know?

We travel back home on Wednesday because we just can't stay gone from our boys for a month and Scott can't leave work that long. We'll come home for about 10 days and then go back and get her. So, she will be touching down in Austin on October 22nd! Praying that all goes according to plan!

So, we'd love your prayers again for safe, smooth flights, stay healthy, keep our kids and parents at home SANE, and for God to be glorified in EVERYTHING we do! He already knows what's in my heart and knows what I need Him to help me with! Pray I agree with His plan and just be joyful about everything that happens! Good or bad!

Love to everyone!!!


  1. Wow! this is fantastic! That court date seem to come quickly (easy for me to say!)

    We had our 8 dr medicals in Moscow too, except that 2 of the doctors wanted to leave for lunch so they just signed our paperwork w/o looking at us :) At the time AWAA kept telling me "don't let them make you see an obgyn --yikes! I didn't see one there. they didn't ask :)

    Have a fantastic trip.Our prayers and love with you as you go to Russia. Such a soft spot for that place.

  2. Wow! I cant believe yall have to go through all that. You poor things. So exciting she will be home soon! Will be praying for yall!
